Karaoke Services

There is only one service we offer, that of course being Karaoke! However, we have two ways of charging for this service:

Standard Rate

We operate at a standard 3-hour rate. This means that for any gig up to 3 hours in length, we will ask for £150 for that time period.

Essentially: 0-3 hours = £150

Additionally, we ask for a £40 deposit, which is deductible from the Standard Rate.


We will be changing our prices. The standard 3-hour rate will now be charged at £180 and we will be asking for a £50 deposit. Additional time will be charged at £50 per hour.

Additional Time

Any additional time after the standard rate time of 3 hours will be charged at £40 per hour. For example, if there was a 5 hour set, we would charge £230. 

This breaks down as £150 for the standard rate, and £80 for the additional two hours.

Please note: We do not charge for time spent setting up or packing away, however, it is worth noting that we will need one hour to set up, and we will pack away as quickly as possible.